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LJ300 Spare Parts & Accessories

SKU LJ300-SP03-C02


We have every included part; screws, nuts, washers, frontknifes, thrusters, service kits etc for each of the different Lumberjack® series. Please contact us if you need guidance, or if you can´t find what you are looking for.

Technical data

Article Number
LJ300-SP03-C02 Chain plate
LJ300-SP16 Pull plate for LJ300-SP03-C02
LJ-SP029 Thruster 1¼″, no jets
LJ300-SP12 Towing eye
LJ300-SP17-C02 Front knife
LJ300-SP17C-C02 Carbide Front knife
LJ-SP031 Key for thruster
LJ300-SK Service kit
LJ300-EPO400-C02 DN 400 – 700 mm (16″– 28″) 16" - 28" 340 mm Ø340 mm 8 kg
LJ300-SP22 370 x 190 mm 190 x Ø370 3 kg Front knife expander plate